Avoiding Buyer’s Remorse When Buying A Standing Desk

A carefully selected standing desk can improve your working experience, boost organisation, and even support excellent posture and ergonomics. While there are plentiful top-rated standing desks, selecting the ideal desk can be difficult due to frequent mistakes, blunders, and overlooked considerations.

In this post, we’ll examine some of the most common errors individuals make when purchasing a desk and discuss how to prevent buyer’s remorse.

Key Takeaways:

  • Buyer’s remorse is the realisation that you have purchased an expensive standing desk that doesn’t suit your needs and wants.
  • Favouring looks over functionality and buying a cheaper standing desk that is inferior in quality are the two biggest factors leading to buyer’s remorse.
  • Some of the best ways to alleviate buyer’s remorse include seeing and testing the sit-stand desk in person, reading and viewing photos in customer reviews, and fully understanding the space you have available.

Why You Should Avoid Buyer’s Remorse

Your workspace is more than simply a place where you work physically so it’s important to choose one that fits your needs and wants. Not only are the best standing desks a big purchase on your credit card where costs can run over $1,000, but once you buy you are stuck with it feeling regret. This means that you are more than likely to need to customise your sit-stand in ways that accommodate your original goals, whether it be storage, raising the monitors because you forgot to buy monitor arms, or being left with loose, dangling cables everywhere.

On the other hand, a poorly chosen standing desk might make your workday cluttered, uncomfortable, and ineffective which may contribute to buyer’s remorse. The most common issues range from ignoring ergonomic concerns to making impulsive purchases motivated by aesthetics. The feeling of buyer’s remorse is not a good one to have but there are ways to avoid it.

The Common Pitfalls Of When Buying A Standing Desk

1. Not measuring the space you have available

Measuring your available space is a critical first step in selecting the right size standing desk. It can be expensive to make mistakes if you don’t estimate the space where your desk will be placed. It happens all too frequently that people buy a desk only to discover that it is either too big for their space, leaving little room for movement, insufficient space for their chair, and creating claustrophobic and ineffective areas. Ensure your standing desk can fit and give some extra wiggle room for the chair and any future layout changes you may make.

Grab a tape measure and make a note of the dimensions of your available space to prevent making this error. Take into account any potential obstacles including radiators, windows, and doors. Also, leave enough space for your chair otherwise you will feel regret if it doesn’t fit or takes up too much space. With these measurements in hand, you may confidently select a desk that maximises both utility and beauty inside your workstation.

It doesn’t matter if you have been a loyal customer before, a shop is not going to let you replace a new purchase with another simply because you bought the wrong size.

2. Overlooking ergonomics

The concept of ergonomics is one that is increasingly important in today’s workplace culture. It includes the science of planning and setting up work environments to correspond with the capacities and constraints of the human body. When choosing a workstation, consider ergonomics carefully to avoid discomfort, suffering, and long-term health problems.

The workstation and chair height should be adjusted to fit your body type as an ergonomic factor. Make sure your wrists are in a relaxed and neutral position when typing (if your keyboard is placed correctly). To lessen the tension on your lower back, your feet should also be flat on the floor or a footrest.

Inadequate attention to ergonomics can result in a range of problems for many buyers including back pain, repetitive strain injuries, and lower productivity. Your well-being and job performance may be significantly affected by selecting a workstation that is well-suited to your body and working style.

3. Ignoring storage needs

A clean workstation encourages productivity and appears more welcoming. When storage needs are neglected, a desk can get cluttered and disorganised, which makes it challenging to concentrate and work effectively.

Consider your storage requirements before purchasing a desk to avoid buyer’s remorse. Do you need room for office supplies, files, or other hardware? You may want a standing desk with built-in shelves or drawers to provide practical storage options that keep your desk tidy and appealing. You can make your workplace feel like it’s more productive and conducive to working by taking care of your storage needs. For more tips on how to zen your standing desk, read this article next.

updown standing desk drawers
UpDown is one of the few Aussie brands that offer sleek drawers (image by UpDown).

4. Cable management oversights

Our workstations are frequently cluttered with multiple devices and cords in this highly technological day. The workspace can become frustrating and visually disorganised if cable management is neglected.

Looking for workstations with integrated features like grommet holes or cable trays can reduce buyer’s remorse since they provide you with suitable cable management solutions. Additionally, wires can be kept neatly bundled and out of the way with the use of cable organisers like clips, ties, and cable sleeves. An organised cable layout makes it simpler to access and manage your gadgets and enhances the aesthetics of your workstation.

5. Disregarding material and durability

Your desk’s durability and long-term performance are significantly influenced by the material used to construct it. The different materials standing desks are made of offer varying levels of durability, aesthetic appeal, and wear and tear resistance.

Think about the demands that daily use will have on your workstation. Solid oak desks, for instance, are renowned for their toughness but can be vulnerable to scratches. Options made of metal or laminate could be more damage-resistant. Select a material that is compatible with your working style and the general wear and tear your desk will endure.

If you don’t take this into account, your desk may begin to exhibit indications of wear before it should, requiring repairs or replacement, leading to buyer’s remorse. You may create a more durable and dependable workspace by choosing a material that is appropriate for your needs.

6. Prioritising looks over functionality

Standing desks shown on the social media channels of manufacturing brands are presented in an almost idealistic fashion. Their accessories, lighting, and surrounding spaces are often exemplified and are not realistic depictions of what you can achieve in your own home. It’s a good idea to look at the photos posted in customer reviews.

desky sigma standing desk for gamers
Image by Desky.

7. Skipping the chance to test a desk

Many individuals overlook an important step – sitting at the desk and testing it for comfort and fit – in the thrill of selecting the ideal standing desk. You might experience buyer’s remorse if you take a chance to rely on professional photos of the desk online.

Your main working tools are your desk and chair. They must be the appropriate height, offer the required support, and be cosy for prolonged periods of work. By passing the desk test, you risk discomfort, strain, and maybe long-term health problems. Take the time to try out your chosen workstation and chair in-store or, if you’re buying online, find out the terms of the return policy.

You’re more likely to find a layout that keeps you comfortable and productive if you try your desk before buying it. Talk to the company’s customer service to arrange a viewing in their showroom or office. For example, the UpDown Pro standing desk can be viewed in person if you reside in Melbourne.

8. Buying without sufficient research

It’s simple to make impulsive purchases in the era of online shopping. But if you buy a desk without doing your homework, you can end up regretting it and feeling buyer’s remorse.

Read user reviews and compare different desk options before making a choice. To be sure you’re receiving the greatest bargain, compare prices offered by several merchants. By doing your research, you may choose a desk that will fit your needs and expectations.

Our Tips To Make An Informed Standing Desk Purchase

You can avoid buyer’s remorse by understanding your needs and wants as well as conducting thorough research into a variety of standing desk options.

  1. Get the best deal possible whilst ensuring that’s the type of standing desk you need and want. You don’t necessarily need to spend a lot but have it align with your budget. All the well-known Australian standing desk brands will have regular sales where either the desk price is reduced or add-ons like delivery or accessories come at a reduced price. The End of the Financial Year (EOFY), Black Friday, and Christmas sales can be ideal times to make that purchase. Keep in mind, that standing desks are often tax deductible in Australia.
  2. Pay attention to the advantages in addition to the cost. You wanted to purchase a standing desk for a reason, and there are several advantages to support that choice. Never consider your purchase to be furniture. Instead, consider it an investment in your lifestyle and this approach will greatly minimise the chance of experiencing buyer’s remorse.
  3. Do your homework. You can avoid buyer’s remorse by examining your options and seeing what previous customers have said in reviews. Choose the product with the highest quality within your price range. Purchase from a business that offers top-notch support, then unwind. You’re ready to experience a new way of working as your standing desk is on its way.

The Consequences Of Buyer’s Remorse

In my experience, even if you think you bought the right standing desk for your needs, there are always at least some regrets regarding the items you missed or hoped to have. But if you don’t do your research then there are a whole lot more consequences than simply wondering about it.

  • Discomfort and potential health problems – One of the most important effects is discomfort and possible health problems. Your workstation may cause physical discomfort, including back pain, neck strain, and Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs), if it is improper height, is poorly designed for ergonomics, or requires you to adopt uncomfortable postures. An important aspect is to make sure it’s set at the ideal standing height for you.
  • Reduced productivity – Working at an uncomfortable workstation can make you less productive. Your work may be slowed down if your workstation is congested as a result of insufficient storage. Distractions and a reduced capacity for concentration might also result from an uncomfortable chair or desk.
  • Disorganisation brought on by a lack of storage space can make it feel like there are items everywhere which leads to unnecessary stress. This confusion can be annoying and a waste of time for many buyers who don’t do their research.
  • You don’t like how it looks – If you choose aesthetics over functionality and end up with a desk that doesn’t suit your requirements, you could not like the way your workstation looks. Your overall job satisfaction may suffer as a result of this, leading to a feeling of regret.
  • Unproductive workflow – A workstation that is too tiny or doesn’t have adequate space planning might restrict your workplace, making it difficult to use numerous displays and devices or organise your resources properly. This buyer’s remorse may slow you down and obstruct your progress.
  • Tension and irritation – The annoyances and discomfort brought on by an inappropriate workspace over time can produce tension and irritation. Your overall job happiness and mental health may be impacted by this stress.
  • Wasted time and money – Putting a down payment or outright purchasing the incorrect workstation is both a financial and time commitment and is a key part of buyer’s remorse. It can cost time and money to have to change your workstation or replace the desk.
  • Reduced desk lifespan – The desk may show indications of wear and damage earlier than anticipated, prompting repairs or replacement, if it is made of the wrong material or isn’t built to sustain your specific use.
  • Missed deadlines & inefficiency – Poor desk arrangement might result in lower productivity and missed deadlines. Your professional performance may suffer if you are unable to work comfortably and effectively.


The choice of the proper workstation is more important than a simple piece of furniture because it affects your work environment, productivity, and well-being. A workstation that supports your work and promotes creativity can be achieved by avoiding typical blunders, such as ignoring space measurement, ergonomics, and storage demands. Reduce your purchase anxiety by conducting your own research before you place a down payment on a standing desk.

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